most skilful
- adj.熟练的;处理巧妙的;技术好的;功夫深的;制作精良的
- skilful的最高级

He is widely regarded as Hungary 's most skilful politician .
Is the most skilful man with a woman , I would responsibly .
For the minister is leading our visitors to the capital in the most skilful manner .
Peter is one of the most skilful players in the side and he has surprised a lot of people .
The other team won the football game easily because our most skilful player was ordered off the field for fighting .
As the inventors of the longbow , the Welsh are among it 's most skilful proponents .
At first sight , it was most skilful : it neatly exonerated itself from any liability but , at the same time , proved it had zero tolerance by sacking the guy .
In an instant it reared up upon its hind legs with a snort of rage , and pranced and tossed in a way that would have unseated any but a most skilful rider .
The woman who was brought to your house in the middle of the night , apparently fished out of the Thames , and apparently suffering from amnesia , is in fact Ilse von Hoffmanstal , one of their most skilful agents .
And the count began his defence , I assure you , Albert , in a most eloquent and skilful manner .
We make all the most difficult and expensive styles in Shenzhen , says Larry Ho , a manager at Top Form 's Longnan plant . It is our most skilful factory .